Copyright © 2011-2024 Willien Strutz; All rights reserved. Webmaster: Hans-Joachim Strutz

Last Updated: 13.06.2024

The Bible explicitly states in 1 Corinthians 15:28 God be ALL in ALL. It’s a done deal. “All” means “all”… no exclusions… not even this beautiful little girl… staring into nowhere… eating scraps on this floor of desolation. Please read your Bible with the Holy Spirit only, always scrutinizing the Word for modal auxiliary verbs added… little words seeding doubt. These words, like the “may’s” and the “might’s”, are usually added to the Greek verb when it comes to the salvation of man and the unlimited atonement of Christ. In the case of this specific verse… an added “may” appears in virtually all versions under Strong’s #1510… even “might” in one case I know of. These words are strategically used within the subjunctive mood… to give rise to uncertainty. These little woven- in words are like subtle ‘Pied Piper’ tunes, lulling their readers onto a path of sorrow… of destruction. Biased translations are running rampant… to profess everlasting damnation. And the only place to do that? Grammar. Seeding doubt has only one agenda… to instil fear… knowing that the fearful is easily controlled. Seeding doubt is such an easy- and successful tool in this competitive- and insecure world. And this is exactly the most brilliant place for the Adversary to play his tricks… his goal being to deceive a third of the world population (Christians)… the place where he can play with GRAMMAR… at the translating hands of modern day scribes. Oh how cunning he is… how successful… how scrupulous! By saying this, let there be NO doubt whatsoever that I am not pointing fingers to those who are assigned to do Biblical translations, but to the one assigned to deceive the world… the one Revelation 12:9 talks about… Satan! God’s ultimate Sovereignty determines everything. Satan can do nothing, if it is not assigned by God… his Creator. Please read what God says in Romans 9:20 . Everything and everyone is clay in the hands of Him. So, having said this… Have you EVER thought of putting ALL blame on GOD… and not on Satan? Highly unlikely. And if you regard yourself a Christian… you of all people should know that God is in charge of the Adversary (Satan)… of everyone and everything ( Isaiah 45:7 ). The Strong’s word “evil” in this verse actually means “adversity”. Evil can also defined as calamity or chaos. Are you consistent in your thinking as far as God’s Sovereignty is concerned… His control of all? Because if you play with His Sovereignty and acknowledge it only when it suits you, then there will be some grave explaining to be done on the Lord’s Day. And in this particular case… the proverbial “there will be hell to play” is very much appropriate… albeit the “hell” being of NO eternal duration at all… like billions want to believe. The news is supposed to be the best news ever for you… or is it perhaps not? Genesis 50:20 is a classic example of evil being used by God for the good. This is SUCH a serious matter, that sugar-coated chatter has no room here. This is the most pivotal connection to make… grasping that all the pain in the world is not on the account of man, but on the account of our Sovereign God. This is the ONLY way to make sense of the chaos and pain in this world… the only way of getting inner peace… the only way of having empathy with all people… including yourself… the only way of inner freedom. Pain is there for a reason, but the moment we realize its role in God’s plan with us, it becomes much more bearable… and endurance becomes easier. Grasping this will make you realize that it is not life on this planet that counts… but the everlasting life of joy hereafter… awaiting ALL mankind. Then you will know that all the pain inflicted upon you was not on the account of mortal man, but on the account of God. Then you will know that previously you never knew God and kept Him in a self-fabricated mould. Then you will know that the pain you endure is coming from the Ultimate Father who disciplines His child with Ultimate Love and not vindictiveness. He inflicts our wounds… and He heals them again. We see this in Job 5:17-18 . Then you will experience the liberation of forgiveness… no matter what the atrocity against you was. Then you will know that the only place to go with your pain is to God’s breast… where He wants you to be… where He can heal you. Then you will be able to say like Stephen in Acts 7:60 “Lord, do not hold this sin against them”. Then you can say like Jesus in Luke 23:34 “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”. Then you will remember that God uses evil ( Isaiah 45:7 ) for the good ( Romans 8:28 ). Then you will know that God puts love in the heart of man whenever He wants to ( Ezekiel 36:26 ). Then you will be able to love ALL with an agape love… because you deeply know God ( 1 John 4:7 ). Then you will know that agape love is NOT a feeling, but the refraining from deliberately harming another… with words, thoughts and acts alike ( Romans 13:10 ). But back to grammar… 1 Corinthians 15:28
3752 1161 5293 846 3588 3956 5119 2519 846 3588 5207 5293 “ὅταν δὲ ὑποταγῇ αὐτῷ τὰ πάντα, τότε καὶ αὐτὸς ὁ Υἱὸς ὑποταγήσεται when but shall have been put in subjection to him the all, then and himself the Son will be put in subjection
3588                 5293                       846       3588      3956          2443          1510        3588        2316     3588      3956       1722      3956 τῷ     ὑποτάξαντι    αὐτῷ  τὰ  πάντα,  ἵνα       ᾖ       ὁ    Θεὸς  τὰ  πάντα  ἐν  πᾶσιν .  the    having put in subjection    to him      the           all,          so that          be         the          God        the          all            in            all. Strong’s numbers;                    Greek text (Westcott and Hort, 1881);                  My transliteration.
(There are more examples, such as the above, that I will add at a later stage). Take note that “may” does not appear in the above verse at all. It is not “may be”, but simply “be”. Let me elaborate a little on the emotion FEAR. Doubt paves the way to insecurity… and insecurity to fear. And why is fear the target of control? Because fear is addictive. The world runs on ‘fear fuel’ as most people are subservient to this exciting emotion. Excitement and sensation is what’s appealing… not a quiet life at all. No challenge… no excitement… only ‘boredom’. Fear is a more attractive challenge, because the adrenaline rush it gives, prompts one to pursue the ‘satisfaction of personally overcoming’ this perceived danger. Fear has many manifesting faces, spreading out from one origin… the fear of authority… its core manifestation being rebellion. Lucifer was the first to introduce this fear-based rebellion to God’s creation… and the ripple effect is still going stronger and stronger. Cruelty and violence exponentially soar worldwide… across all religious borders. Subtle cruelties and violence are just as devastating as their graphic counterparts. So-called Christian communities are not excluded… and why? Because they also run on ‘fear-fuel’… albeit fear of an ‘everlasting’ hell-fire continuously haunting them. Fear can never ever have love as a manifestation… only deep- seated insecurity and hatred surfacing ever so frequently. Fear is all about pursuing control… with war upon war all over… be it on a personal- and global level alike. Nearly all ministries on the net proclaim the lie of eternal damnation. Do they ask for donations? See for yourself. In principle there is nothing wrong with receiving a living from preaching the Gospel. The condition, however, is that the True Gospel… the good news of God… being preached. People are generous when it comes to appeasing messages. Gullibility is fed by soothing words… not reprimanding ones. Please see 2 Timothy 4:3 . The Truth is never on the agenda of pursuit… as it is simply too painful. Who among the ‘Christian’ community wants to hear that there is no eternal damnation? Hard to find. Why? Because that would mean to throw one’s ‘exclusive right to heaven’ out the window. Paul never asked money for himself ( 2 Corinthians 2:17 ). He was a free man to tell the Truth… since he was not dependant on the favour of man. He told the Truth to stay in the favour of God. See Galatians 1:10 . Is teaching ‘everlasting damnation’ Biblical? No, it isn’t. Living off false teaching is missing the mark. See 1 Timothy 6:3-6 and 1 Timothy 6:9-11 . Something significant about the pastor of one of these “donate” ministries… He was approached by someone having had trouble around Isaiah 63:17 . The question posed was the origin of Lucifer’s first desire for evil. It came as no surprise to me that the pastor could not answer that question. And why? Because his “everlasting hell” doctrine does not gel with God HIMSELF being that origin. So simple to answer when one acknowledges God’s Sovereignty in all… even when it comes to evil. Please see Isaiah 45:7 . See… acknowledging God being the Founder of all, one has no problem making sense of so much in the Bible… like ‘sticky’ verses ignorance stumbles against. If one knows the Absolute Truth of Jesus’ unlimited atonement for ALL, then money never comes into play… let alone into the mind. The freedom it gives is SO overwhelming and joyful, that one only wants to share it with the whole world… for free… for “mahala” (in South African slang). but… back to the kids… If people but knew the extent of damage this ridiculous doctrine of an eternal hell-fire of damnation is doing to little children. It’s criminal to say the least! The fear that this devastating doctrine embeds in a child’s memory, is so destructive, but they suffer in silence… not able to express themselves at that vulnerable stage. It is a known fact that fear has developmental- and cognitive implications on little children. Jesus has invited the little children to His breast in Matthew 19:14 , saying loud and clear that the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them… and those like them. Present tense. He talked about ALL children, having made no exclusions. And please note… the Bible also says that He, Jesus Christ will rescue all from the ‘fire’ on the Day of His second coming in 1 Corinthians 3:15 . Please read this verse carefully. Read about the destruction of the inferior buildings… but most importantly… read about the salvation of their builders! Jesus will pull ALL out of the spiritual flames of His purifying Fire. Children are supposed to have a care-free start in life… not having to face such a horrific threat… introducing God to them as One going to torture with an everlasting burning hell in the end. This is the picture they get of God… and this is exactly where adrenalin addiction starts already… at a vulnerable age. The satisfaction and ‘power’ of taking part in one’s own destiny is the bait… however not realizing the abomination this attitude is to God… the God who gave His all-inclusive grace through Christ. The saddest of all is the fact that children of ‘eternal-hell-believing’ parents are taught from small already to regard themselves as being exclusive. This logically gives rise to an arrogant haughtiness towards other kids who come from different religions… verbally killing them with their condemning words… banning them to an ‘eternal hell’. And just to bring in God’s Sovereignty and total control over all… Where is the origin of all the religions of the world? Satan? Man? If your answer is positive around either of the two, then please think again about where you stand around God’s Sovereignty. GOD is the Founder of ALL religions for crying out loud. Does Paul not say in Hebrews 12:2 that Jesus is the Founder and Perfecter of Faith? Does he not also say in this verse that because of the immense joy that was laid before Jesus, Jesus was willing to endure the unimaginable suffering at the cross? And what’s more… can we for one moment think that Jesus was joyful for only a few… ‘knowingly’ that the horror of everlasting torture awaits the rest (as billions believe)? It’s beyond absurd. Jesus is LOVE. I thank God for verses like this one (and there are a myriad of them)… verses that “everlasting-hell- believing-Christians” simply ignore… for obvious reasons. Hebrews 12:2 “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” - New International Version Talking about Paul… let me just pause a little around this thirteenth apostle whom Jesus Himself has trained. It is common knowledge that many academics, pastors and scholars have a huge problem with Paul. Why? Simple to answer; lots of Paul’s teachings are SO not in line with their ‘cast-in-stone’ doctrine of ‘free will’… and its subsequent doctrine of everlasting condemnation. Paul is a threat to them. So they resort to the ever so classic cop-out arguments around the false interpretations of man… aiming at Paul in this case being the culprit. To refresh your memory… God inspired the whole Word ( 2 Timothy 3:16 ). Were Paul’s messages Paul’s interpretations at all? Of course not. Paul got his revelations directly from Jesus Christ ( Galatians 1:12 ). If misinterpretations are at play, they solely lie at the hands of modern day scribes with their added “may’s” and “might’s” at strategic places. Of course these misinterpretations are also within God’s ultimate predestined Plan of global deception ( Revelation 12:9 ). With their cop-out arguments, academics and pastors are grasping straw in defence of themselves… and not of God. Paul was in no control… and neither were Judas, Joseph’s brothers, Peter, Herod, Pharaoh. Modern day scribes too for that matter. Questioning Paul, is questioning the Bible… and ultimately God Himself. And sadly putting themselves in the category of unbelievers. And you know what that means… don’t you? Since fire has all to do with purification, Jesus could not wait to get beyond the purifying part to the joy part. He could not wait to set the fire ablaze… to discipline His children unto purity… like a loving heavenly Father would do. Jesus is our Father as well ( Isaiah 9:6 ). And this is exactly why He said what He said in the following verse… Luke 12:49 “I came to cast fire upon the earth, and how I wish it were kindled already!” - Berean Literal Bible Isaiah 9:6 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” - New International Version Back to the religions of the world… Jesus created all faiths, but will purify all the false faiths to become the perfect and pure Faith… the Faith of the Gospel of Christ. “Perfecter” in this verse also means “finisher”. All will come to completion eventually. God has a plan with adversity. That is why He created it. “Why then did He create adversity in the first place?”… you may ask. So that ALL mankind will be drawn unto Christ and know Him and worship Him for Who He is ( John 12:32 ). Even if this would mean through pain and suffering… whether in present time… or life hereafter. It is all about knowing the True God! Did Adam and Eve know God and did they appreciate Him for who He was (is) and His incredible blessing… the Garden of Eden? Apparently not… otherwise their departure from this place of bliss would not have been necessary. They had one field day after the other and did not have the faintest idea of what they had. God was constantly there in their midst. But God in His wonderful Plan would soon change that in the Book of Genesis. Don’t we all know that by nature we do not appreciate something good or someone good… until we do not have that something or someone in our midst any more? Adam and Eve were human beings just like us. It is all about obedience to the Law of Christ in the New Testament… the Law of righteous FAITH. People are people… grown-ups and children alike. We need to feel what evil feels like first before we are able to opt for the “good”. The Bible pertinently gives hope to the ungodly… the unbelievers who did not know Jesus Christ. They will get few stripes ( Luke 12:48 ). But beware the ones who were exposed to the all-inclusive Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ, but deviated from that path of glory… the path of faithfulness… for selfish reasons. Many stripes await them ( Luke 12:47 ). Did Jesus Himself not say that the first will be last and the last will be first? Please read Matthew 20:8-16 . Parables are powerful messages… and always relevant… even to this day. ‘Everlasting-hell-believing’ people flock together at gatherings where they have the [pseudo] assurance that they will escape this ‘hell-fire’… simply because they are made to believe (and relax) in their exclusive privilege of the rite of passage to heaven through the ‘power’ they have with their own ‘free will and -choice’. An exhilarating feeling… however, alas… a fatal one. Children are taught that in order to make it to heaven one must do something… even when this “do something” means to choose to believe in Jesus. What they do not teach their children is the “WHAT” about Jesus. The “WHAT” about His death… the “WHAT” faith around Jesus Christ. It’s all about the MISSING [ignored] part that will give them total freedom and joy. The part that says Jesus has done it all already at the cross on Golgotha… having set the bill for sin for all forever. Kids will know from scratch that they are good enough… because of what Jesus did for them AND the rest of all the other kids in the world. But no… they are programmed to put the focus on themselves… to achieve… to demand a ‘pat on the back’… rather than give Christ all the glory for His total atonement… for HIS achievement. The world is programmed to believe that its destiny lies within itself. And the obvious result of such a failing concept? Chaos, misery and global feud. From generation to generation this misconception is carried forward… a diabolical cycle that can only be broken with the Truth… the Truth within the Good News of Jesus Christ. To depict God as One who will forever abandon ANYONE in the end… is playing with fire… playing with God, who IS the Fire… the “lake of fire” in Revelation 21:8 . It will painfully burn… until purity is achieved. Correction is painful… don’t we all know this? God is a God of painful discipline… but ultimately a God of LOVE. Promoting Him as One who will cause everlasting torture to trillions in the end is ultimate slander and blasphemy… with an immense implication. To think that the silly man-fabricated ‘free moral agency’ can overrule the ultimate grace of God’s loving Sovereignty, is a complete lack of logic and sound thinking… and… lofty self-service. ‘Christians’ believing in this fallacy, should start worrying about their take-on around the ‘everlasting’ part of their doctrine of an ‘everlasting hell’… about carrying this lie forward. What does Jesus say in Luke 17:1-2 about those letting another stumble [with lies]? Please take a look. And in the event of you feeling insulted reading this, please see it as the ego at play… and a red light going up for you. To aggressive Christians on the defence when confronted about their “everlasting-hell” doctrine… I have a question. Are you defending yourself… or are you defending the Sovereignty of God? It’s clearly yourself… isn’t it? It’s time for people to find out what the “lake of fire” is really all about. It’s time for ‘Christians’ to check their Bibles around the grammar applied. This is indeed a warning. But… it’s up to God for you to take it seriously. Luke 16:22-31 is a significant example when it comes to warning around God’s discipline. There is ONLY one place of safety… and that is within the loving Sovereignty of God. Period. To stay within the ‘free will’ myth would be seemingly ‘less costly’ than to admit ‘free will’ being a myth all along. Thereby saving face from being laughing stock after many years of advocating it. Virtually all ‘Christians’ silently battle with this dilemma of “free will” and an “everlasting hell” on the one hand… and retrospectively the Sovereignty of God and a God of love on the other hand. And this battle is kept being an inner battle… hidden from the outer world. A brilliant illustration of this worldwide phenomenon is in the fairy tale "The Emperor's New Clothes" by Hans Christian Andersen… where people are scared of appearing stupid to others. The price of vanity, however… like that of the emperor… is indeed a costly one. It took an innocent child, who was too young of having a desire to keep up a pretense, to blurt out the emperor’s nakedness. On the surface a seemingly silly story… but in affect a story with a powerful punch of reality. By nature children are so wonderfully humble and honest… no wonder Jesus invited them into His arms ( Matthew 19:14 )… into His Kingdom ( Matthew 18:3 ). It was the one little child amongst many adults in Andersen’s story who was the brave one… the one with courage… not the hordes of grown-ups. And why? Because the little child has not been programmed with lies by egoistic-motivated grown- ups (yet). What did God say in Nahum 1:12 about the many? What did He say in Matthew 7:22 about the many? What did God say in Revelation 1:7 about all peoples on earth… the many? What did God say in Matthew 7:13 about the many? The little child is the brave one… the one with courage… the one who will be spared the “lake of fire” in Revelation 21:8 as not being amongst the “cowardly” (Strong’s #1169) and the “liars” (Strong’s#5571) in this verse. Interest to notice the way-back date this fairy tale originates from… back in 1335 already. This just goes to show that what the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 1:9 , is still relevant... the world in the late middle age days being the same as the world today. Nothing has changed… especially when it comes to the vanity of man. God can do anything… even using modern day fairy tales with deep meanings… modern day parables for that matter. So-called ‘free will’ is what has put this world in such a mess. Total submission to God is for the brave… not the faint-hearted. Total submission is what God wants from every single one ever born… and it is exactly what He intended to happen… before the foundation of the earth already. May God bless you and give you a discerning mind… and a searching heart. Please visit our other websites, and (available in 40+ languages), should you be interested.
God all in all 1Corinthians 15:28
Copyright © 2011-2024 Willien Strutz, All rights reserved. Webmaster: Hans-Joachim Strutz
The Bible explicitly states in 1 Corinthians 15:28 God be ALL in ALL. It’s a done deal. “All” means “all”… no exclusions… not even this beautiful little girl… staring into nowhere… eating scraps on this floor of desolation. Please read your Bible with the Holy Spirit only, always scrutinizing the Word for modal auxiliary verbs added… little words seeding doubt. These words, like the “may’s” and the “might’s”, are usually added to the Greek verb when it comes to the salvation of man and the unlimited atonement of Christ. In the case of this specific verse… an added “may” appears in virtually all versions under Strong’s #1510… even “might” in one case I know of. These words are strategically used within the subjunctive mood… to give rise to uncertainty. These little woven-in words are like subtle ‘Pied Piper’ tunes, lulling their readers onto a path of sorrow… of destruction. Biased translations are running rampant… to profess everlasting damnation. And the only place to do that? Grammar. Seeding doubt has only one agenda… to instil fear… knowing that the fearful is easily controlled. Seeding doubt is such an easy- and successful tool in this competitive- and insecure world. And this is exactly the most brilliant place for the Adversary to play his tricks… his goal being to deceive a third of the world population (Christians)… the place where he can play with GRAMMAR… at the translating hands of modern day scribes. Oh how cunning he is… how successful… how scrupulous! By saying this, let there be NO doubt whatsoever that I am not pointing fingers to those who are assigned to do Biblical translations, but to the one assigned to deceive the world… the one Revelation 12:9 talks about… Satan! God’s ultimate Sovereignty determines everything. Satan can do nothing, if it is not assigned by God… his Creator. Please read what God says in Romans 9:20 . Everything and everyone is clay in the hands of Him. So, having said this… Have you EVER thought of putting ALL blame on GOD… and not on Satan? Highly unlikely. And if you regard yourself a Christian… you of all people should know that God is in charge of the Adversary (Satan)… of everyone and everything ( Isaiah 45:7 ). The Strong’s word “evil” in this verse actually means “adversity”. Evil can also defined as calamity or chaos. Are you consistent in your thinking as far as God’s Sovereignty is concerned… His control of all? Because if you play with His Sovereignty and acknowledge it only when it suits you, then there will be some grave explaining to be done on the Lord’s Day. And in this particular case… the proverbial “there will be hell to play” is very much appropriate… albeit the “hell” being of NO eternal duration at all… like billions want to believe. The news is supposed to be the best news ever for you… or is it perhaps not? Genesis 50:20 is a classic example of evil being used by God for the good. This is SUCH a serious matter, that sugar- coated chatter has no room here. This is the most pivotal connection to make… grasping that all the pain in the world is not on the account of man, but on the account of our Sovereign God. This is the ONLY way to make sense of the chaos and pain in this world… the only way of getting inner peace… the only way of having empathy with all people… including yourself… the only way of inner freedom. Pain is there for a reason, but the moment we realize its role in God’s plan with us, it becomes much more bearable… and endurance becomes easier. Grasping this will make you realize that it is not life on this planet that counts… but the everlasting life of joy hereafter… awaiting ALL mankind. Then you will know that all the pain inflicted upon you was not on the account of mortal man, but on the account of God. Then you will know that previously you never knew God and kept Him in a self-fabricated mould. Then you will know that the pain you endure is coming from the Ultimate Father who disciplines His child with Ultimate Love and not vindictiveness. He inflicts our wounds… and He heals them again. We see this in Job 5:17-18 . Then you will experience the liberation of forgiveness… no matter what the atrocity against you was. Then you will know that the only place to go with your pain is to God’s breast… where He wants you to be… where He can heal you. Then you will be able to say like Stephen in Acts 7:60 “Lord, do not hold this sin against them”. Then you can say like Jesus in Luke 23:34 “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”. Then you will remember that God uses evil ( Isaiah 45:7 ) for the good ( Romans 8:28 ). Then you will know that God puts love in the heart of man whenever He wants to ( Ezekiel 36:26 ). Then you will be able to love ALL with an agape love… because you deeply know God ( 1 John 4:7 ). Then you will know that agape love is NOT a feeling, but the refraining from deliberately harming another… with words, thoughts and acts alike ( Romans 13:10 ). But back to grammar… 1 Corinthians 15:28
(There are more examples, such as the above, that I will add at a later stage). Take note that “may” does not appear in the above verse at all. It is not “may be”, but simply “be”. Let me elaborate a little on the emotion FEAR. Doubt paves the way to insecurity… and insecurity to fear. And why is fear the target of control? Because fear is addictive. The world runs on ‘fear fuel’ as most people are subservient to this exciting emotion. Excitement and sensation is what’s appealing… not a quiet life at all. No challenge… no excitement… only ‘boredom’. Fear is a more attractive challenge, because the adrenaline rush it gives, prompts one to pursue the ‘satisfaction of personally overcoming’ this perceived danger. Fear has many manifesting faces, spreading out from one origin… the fear of authority… its core manifestation being rebellion. Lucifer was the first to introduce this fear- based rebellion to God’s creation… and the ripple effect is still going stronger and stronger. Cruelty and violence exponentially soar worldwide… across all religious borders. Subtle cruelties and violence are just as devastating as their graphic counterparts. So-called Christian communities are not excluded… and why? Because they also run on ‘fear- fuel’… albeit fear of an ‘everlasting’ hell-fire continuously haunting them. Fear can never ever have love as a manifestation… only deep-seated insecurity and hatred surfacing ever so frequently. Fear is all about pursuing control… with war upon war all over… be it on a personal- and global level alike. Nearly all ministries on the net proclaim the lie of eternal damnation. Do they ask for donations? See for yourself. In principle there is nothing wrong with receiving a living from preaching the Gospel. The condition, however, is that the True Gospel… the good news of God… being preached. People are generous when it comes to appeasing messages. Gullibility is fed by soothing words… not reprimanding ones. Please see 2 Timothy 4:3 . The Truth is never on the agenda of pursuit… as it is simply too painful. Who among the ‘Christian’ community wants to hear that there is no eternal damnation? Hard to find. Why? Because that would mean to throw one’s ‘exclusive right to heaven’ out the window. Paul never asked money for himself ( 2 Corinthians 2:17 ). He was a free man to tell the Truth… since he was not dependant on the favour of man. He told the Truth to stay in the favour of God. See Galatians 1:10 . Is teaching ‘everlasting damnation’ Biblical? No, it isn’t. Living off false teaching is missing the mark. See 1 Timothy 6:3-6 and 1 Timothy 6:9-11 . Something significant about the pastor of one of these “donate” ministries… He was approached by someone having had trouble around Isaiah 63:17 . The question posed was the origin of Lucifer’s first desire for evil. It came as no surprise to me that the pastor could not answer that question. And why? Because his “everlasting hell” doctrine does not gel with God HIMSELF being that origin. So simple to answer when one acknowledges God’s Sovereignty in all… even when it comes to evil. Please see Isaiah 45:7 . See… acknowledging God being the Founder of all, one has no problem making sense of so much in the Bible… like ‘sticky’ verses ignorance stumbles against. If one knows the Absolute Truth of Jesus’ unlimited atonement for ALL, then money never comes into play… let alone into the mind. The freedom it gives is SO overwhelming and joyful, that one only wants to share it with the whole world… for free… for “mahala” (in South African slang). but… back to the kids… If people but knew the extent of damage this ridiculous doctrine of an eternal hell-fire of damnation is doing to little children. It’s criminal to say the least! The fear that this devastating doctrine embeds in a child’s memory, is so destructive, but they suffer in silence… not able to express themselves at that vulnerable stage. It is a known fact that fear has developmental- and cognitive implications on little children. Jesus has invited the little children to His breast in Matthew 19:14 , saying loud and clear that the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them… and those like them. Present tense. He talked about ALL children, having made no exclusions. And please note… the Bible also says that He, Jesus Christ will rescue all from the ‘fire’ on the Day of His second coming in 1 Corinthians 3:15 . Please read this verse carefully. Read about the destruction of the inferior buildings… but most importantly… read about the salvation of their builders! Jesus will pull ALL out of the spiritual flames of His purifying Fire. Children are supposed to have a care- free start in life… not having to face such a horrific threat… introducing God to them as One going to torture with an everlasting burning hell in the end. This is the picture they get of God… and this is exactly where adrenalin addiction starts already… at a vulnerable age. The satisfaction and ‘power’ of taking part in one’s own destiny is the bait… however not realizing the abomination this attitude is to God… the God who gave His all- inclusive grace through Christ. The saddest of all is the fact that children of ‘eternal-hell-believing’ parents are taught from small already to regard themselves as being exclusive. This logically gives rise to an arrogant haughtiness towards other kids who come from different religions… verbally killing them with their condemning words… banning them to an ‘eternal hell’. And just to bring in God’s Sovereignty and total control over all… Where is the origin of all the religions of the world? Satan? Man? If your answer is positive around either of the two, then please think again about where you stand around God’s Sovereignty. GOD is the Founder of ALL religions for crying out loud. Does Paul not say in Hebrews 12:2 that Jesus is the Founder and Perfecter of Faith? Does he not also say in this verse that because of the immense joy that was laid before Jesus, Jesus was willing to endure the unimaginable suffering at the cross? And what’s more… can we for one moment think that Jesus was joyful for only a few… ‘knowingly’ that the horror of everlasting torture awaits the rest (as billions believe)? It’s beyond absurd. Jesus is LOVE. I thank God for verses like this one (and there are a myriad of them)… verses that e v e r l a s t i n g - h e l l - b e l i e v i n g - C h r i s t i a n s simply ignore… for obvious reasons. Hebrews 12:2 “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” - New International Version Talking about Paul… let me just pause a little around this thirteenth apostle whom Jesus Himself has trained. It is common knowledge that many academics, pastors and scholars have a huge problem with Paul. Why? Simple to answer; lots of Paul’s teachings are SO not in line with their ‘cast-in-stone’ doctrine of ‘free will’… and its subsequent doctrine of everlasting condemnation. Paul is a threat to them. So they resort to the ever so classic cop-out arguments around the false interpretations of man… aiming at Paul in this case being the culprit. To refresh your memory… God inspired the whole Word ( 2 Timothy 3:16 ). Were Paul’s messages Paul’s interpretations at all? Of course not. Paul got his revelations directly from Jesus Christ ( Galatians 1:12 ). If misinterpretations are at play, they solely lie at the hands of modern day scribes with their added “may’s” and “might’s” at strategic places. Of course these misinterpretations are also within God’s ultimate predestined Plan of global deception ( Revelation 12:9 ). With their cop-out arguments, academics and pastors are grasping straw in defence of themselves… and not of God. Paul was in no control… and neither were Judas, Joseph’s brothers, Peter, Herod, Pharaoh. Modern day scribes too for that matter. Questioning Paul, is questioning the Bible… and ultimately God Himself. And sadly putting themselves in the category of unbelievers. And you know what that means… don’t you? Since fire has all to do with purification, Jesus could not wait to get beyond the purifying part to the joy part. He could not wait to set the fire ablaze… to discipline His children unto purity… like a loving heavenly Father would do. Jesus is our Father as well ( Isaiah 9:6 ). And this is exactly why He said what He said in the following verse… Luke 12:49 “I came to cast fire upon the earth, and how I wish it were kindled already!” - Berean Literal Bible Isaiah 9:6 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” - New International Version Back to the religions of the world… Jesus created all faiths, but will purify all the false faiths to become the perfect and pure Faith… the Faith of the Gospel of Christ. “Perfecter” in this verse also means “finisher”. All will come to completion eventually. God has a plan with adversity. That is why He created it. “Why then did He create adversity in the first place?”… you may ask. So that ALL mankind will be drawn unto Christ and know Him and worship Him for Who He is ( John 12:32 ). Even if this would mean through pain and suffering… whether in present time… or life hereafter. It is all about knowing the True God! Did Adam and Eve know God and did they appreciate Him for who He was (is) and His incredible blessing… the Garden of Eden? Apparently not… otherwise their departure from this place of bliss would not have been necessary. They had one field day after the other and did not have the faintest idea of what they had. God was constantly there in their midst. But God in His wonderful Plan would soon change that in the Book of Genesis. Don’t we all know that by nature we do not appreciate something good or someone good… until we do not have that something or someone in our midst any more? Adam and Eve were human beings just like us. It is all about obedience to the Law of Christ in the New Testament… the Law of righteous FAITH. People are people… grown-ups and children alike. We need to feel what evil feels like first before we are able to opt for the “good”. The Bible pertinently gives hope to the ungodly… the unbelievers who did not know Jesus Christ. They will get few stripes ( Luke 12:48 ). But beware the ones who were exposed to the all- inclusive Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ, but deviated from that path of glory… the path of faithfulness… for selfish reasons. Many stripes await them ( Luke 12:47 ). Did Jesus Himself not say that the first will be last and the last will be first? Please read Matthew 20:8-16 . Parables are powerful messages… and always relevant… even to this day. ‘Everlasting-hell-believing’ people flock together at gatherings where they have the [pseudo] assurance that they will escape this ‘hell-fire’… simply because they are made to believe (and relax) in their exclusive privilege of the rite of passage to heaven through the ‘power’ they have with their own ‘free will and -choice’. An exhilarating feeling… however, alas… a fatal one. Children are taught that in order to make it to heaven one must do something… even when this “do something” means to choose to believe in Jesus. What they do not teach their children is the “WHAT” about Jesus. The “WHAT” about His death… the “WHAT” faith around Jesus Christ. It’s all about the MISSING [ignored] part that will give them total freedom and joy. The part that says Jesus has done it all already at the cross on Golgotha… having set the bill for sin for all forever. Kids will know from scratch that they are good enough… because of what Jesus did for them AND the rest of all the other kids in the world. But no… they are programmed to put the focus on themselves… to achieve… to demand a ‘pat on the back’… rather than give Christ all the glory for His total atonement… for HIS achievement. The world is programmed to believe that its destiny lies within itself. And the obvious result of such a failing concept? Chaos, misery and global feud. From generation to generation this misconception is carried forward… a diabolical cycle that can only be broken with the Truth… the Truth within the Good News of Jesus Christ. To depict God as One who will forever abandon ANYONE in the end… is playing with fire… playing with God, who IS the Fire… the “lake of fire” in Revelation 21:8 . It will painfully burn… until purity is achieved. Correction is painful… don’t we all know this? God is a God of painful discipline… but ultimately a God of LOVE. Promoting Him as One who will cause everlasting torture to trillions in the end is ultimate slander and blasphemy… with an immense implication. To think that the silly man-fabricated ‘free moral agency’ can overrule the ultimate grace of God’s loving Sovereignty, is a complete lack of logic and sound thinking… and… lofty self- service. ‘Christians’ believing in this fallacy, should start worrying about their take- on around the ‘everlasting’ part of their doctrine of an ‘everlasting hell’… about carrying this lie forward. What does Jesus say in Luke 17:1-2 about those letting another stumble [with lies]? Please take a look. And in the event of you feeling insulted reading this, please see it as the ego at play… and a red light going up for you. To aggressive Christians on the defence when confronted about their “everlasting-hell” doctrine… I have a question. Are you defending yourself… or are you defending the Sovereignty of God? It’s clearly yourself… isn’t it? It’s time for people to find out what the “lake of fire” is really all about. It’s time for ‘Christians’ to check their Bibles around the grammar applied. This is indeed a warning. But… it’s up to God for you to take it seriously. Luke 16:22-31 is a significant example when it comes to warning around God’s discipline. There is ONLY one place of safety… and that is within the loving Sovereignty of God. Period. To stay within the ‘free will’ myth would be seemingly ‘less costly’ than to admit ‘free will’ being a myth all along. Thereby saving face from being laughing stock after many years of advocating it. Virtually all ‘Christians’ silently battle with this dilemma of “free will” and an “everlasting hell” on the one hand… and retrospectively the Sovereignty of God and a God of love on the other hand. And this battle is kept being an inner battle… hidden from the outer world. A brilliant illustration of this worldwide phenomenon is in the fairy tale "The Emperor's New Clothes" by Hans Christian Andersen… where people are scared of appearing stupid to others. The price of vanity, however… like that of the emperor… is indeed a costly one. It took an innocent child, who was too young of having a desire to keep up a pretense, to blurt out the emperor’s nakedness. On the surface a seemingly silly story… but in affect a story with a powerful punch of reality. By nature children are so wonderfully humble and honest… no wonder Jesus invited them into His arms ( Matthew 19:14 )… into His Kingdom ( Matthew 18:3 ). It was the one little child amongst many adults in Andersen’s story who was the brave one… the one with courage… not the hordes of grown-ups. And why? Because the little child has not been programmed with lies by egoistic-motivated grown- ups (yet). What did God say in Nahum 1:12 about the many? What did He say in Matthew 7:22 about the many? What did God say in Revelation 1:7 about all peoples on earth… the many? What did God say in Matthew 7:13 about the many? The little child is the brave one… the one with courage… the one who will be spared the “lake of fire” in Revelation 21:8 as not being amongst the “cowardly” (Strong’s #1169) and the “liars” (Strong’s#5571) in this verse. Interest to notice the way-back date this fairy tale originates from… back in 1335 already. This just goes to show that what the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 1:9 , is still relevant... the world in the late middle age days being the same as the world today. Nothing has changed… especially when it comes to the vanity of man. God can do anything… even using modern day fairy tales with deep meanings… modern day parables for that matter. So-called ‘free will’ is what has put this world in such a mess. Total submission to God is for the brave… not the faint-hearted. Total submission is what God wants from every single one ever born… and it is exactly what He intended to happen… before the foundation of the earth already. May God bless you and give you a discerning mind… and a searching heart. Please visit our other websites, and (available in 40+ languages), should you be interested.
God all in all 1Corinthians 15:28