Before I start expressing my approach here, I want to point out something of paramount importance… and that is that the basis of one’s whole structure of thinking must be founded on one’s foundational truth… the Truth which directs one’s every move and expression in life… leaving no room for any fear whatsoever and in any circumstances. Where there is fear, there is no freedom. The Bible explicitly states that truth sets free. And what’s more… this Truth is indispensable for keeping the golden thread of congruent thinking and -reasoning intact right through from A to Z. In my case, this Truth is that everything is subject to the Sovereignty, hence the control, of the Living- and Loving God of the Bible… Elohim the Lord of Hosts. If one’s foundational truth is not based upon this Truth, then much sooner than later one’s thinking around certain aspects will not coincide with one’s thinking around other aspects… whatever they will be. These discrepancies will be both obvious to the discerning mind outside… and a suppressed frustration to oneself. And, what’s more… this being the very root of-… and breeding ground for stress… insecurity and fear. The ‘glue’ that holds one’s whole supportive thinking structure together, will be missing and one’s reasoning house of cards will collapse with the slightest breeze of confrontation (and challenge)… and with of course animosity as the outcome in most cases. Belief in self-imposed control always runs the risk of being refuted by reality… one’s biggest enemy in this case. On the other hand… when this Truth of belief in a Sovereign God will indeed be one’s basis, then one will have no problem whatsoever in making sense of the most difficult scenarios in life… and by and large… the Bible itself. To know one’s life is totally in the hands of a loving God, is to have peace, irrespective of the challenges at hand. The Bible does not make sense on multiple occasions for too many Christians… simply because the basis of their Christian doctrine is not founded on the Truth. And I do not hesitate to add here my own observation of obvious battles Bible commentators reveal in their commentaries around sticky Biblical verses… of which the grammar threatens their doctrine of an ‘eternal hell’. To me the Bible makes perfectly sense from Genesis to Revelation (mistranslations included)… only because the inseparable Absolute Sovereignty and -Love of God, together with the total subordination of man to God, is the point of departure for me in all. “Free will”… the basis of virtually all Christians’ thinking today… is refuting the inseparability of God’s Ultimate Supremacy and -Love in all… however much they would want to argue with me…let alone becoming highly irritated. This to me is not a matter of “if the shoe fits” here. No… it’s a matter of urgency and a matter of compassion from my side. Time is running out. This being just a ‘brief’ intro to the rest. This website is one of an informal nature, where I give myself the freedom to make amendments on any page where I regard it to be appropriate. Sometimes I will want to add something which I think is important. Just like most people, I often catch myself not having said something I should have. Then it’s ‘back to the drawing board’. And another thing… I’m doing my own editing here. As English is not my mother tongue, but Afrikaans, kindly oversee some grammatical and spelling errors that may occur. The subjects under scrutiny are all interlinked with each other. Hence, quite some overlapping will exist on the various “burning question” pages. Needless to say, I will most likely repeat myself frequently. Thanks for understanding. My approach is first and foremost to put the whole ball of discernment into the court of the reader. I am not a teacher, nor am I a counsellor. There is only One Teacher and Counsellor and He is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Who teaches and counsels through His Holy Spirit within His Word; this being the very reason why no contact details are reflected on my website. God has a unique purpose with each and every one born (and conceived as well) on this planet. Nobody can convince anybody of anything… it’s all up to our Heavenly Father. But… I have a mind and I have my views and it was these views of mine which brought me freedom. This is why I express them, albeit in no uncertain terms throughout the “Burning Questions” section of my website. Some of the questions will be around sensitive issues, but I will address them with utmost reverence. Seeing that this website will be of an organic nature, I will go along as my energy and time will permit. Following every question, I will give my personal answer to it, which I will subsequently back up with Biblical text… together with real life scenarios, where appropriate, and some reasoning woven into it. Since this website is one of good news, my responses to questions will each indeed carry good news… of which this world we live in is in desperate need. Nobody can run away from reality and the sooner one faces it and does some reality checks, the sooner one becomes free and life will have a lot more meaning again. It is amazing how scenarios, reflected within the Bible, can be extrapolated to the present time in which we find ourselves today. There is nothing new under the sun,as Ecclesiastes 1:9 clearly states in the New International Version… What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Reality is many times a painful affair. It cannot be argued against… expressed and unexpressed alike. Countless Christians are battling with burning questions, just like anybody else for that matter… Christians and non-Christians alike. And some of these questions are too embarrassing for most to reveal to others. There is truth… and there is Truth… the first one being relative and the second one being absolute. It is the latter which brings real freedom and real peace… not the former. However, the proof is in the proverbial pudding and it needs to be experienced on a personal level John 8:32 . We all are guilty of missing the mark on a continual basis, in whatever intensity or fashion. This is a given. The good news is that we can forgive ourselves on grounds of what Jesus Christ has done for ALL mankind at Golgotha… the “ALL” part being one of many controversial statements of mine that will raise some eyebrows I’m sure. I cannot emphasize enough how critically important introspection is… and of course the honesty that goes with it. Nobody finds this easy to do, but this is the ONLY way towards peace and freedom in this ailing world. To repeat myself… this website is not intended to convince anybody of anything. This is the Holy Spirit’s domain, not mine. All I’m doing here is sharing my views in a very direct fashion which reflects my ‘straight-to-the-point’ nature. My intention is only always coming from a heart of compassion, however provocative I may often come across… whether on this website, or anywhere else for that matter. It is the prerogative of the reader to either contemplate on my writings, or to simply discard them and promptly click on the “exit” button. To repeat myself… yet again… truth is many times a painful affair and also a scary challenge. And many of my views will be hard to digest to some; I have no reservations about that. Fact of the matter is… God insists in Proverbs 2:1-6 that we should never stop searching for the Truth, the Truth which can only come from God… within His Word. And as it is written in Romans 12:2 we should always strive to be transformed by Him through the renewing of our minds. Complacency is a dangerous place to be in Proverb s 1:32 .
Read the Bible only WITH the Holy Spirit… to find the Absolute Truth… The Truth that lies latent within the pages… yearning to be disclosed by the Author Himself… to the searching heart… …and when the time is right… Its Light SO bright
Copyright © 2011-2024 Willien Strutz; All rights reserved.					Webmaster: Hans-Joachim Strutz
4 and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, 5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. - Proverbs 2:4-5 (New International Version)
May God bless you abundantly and may you never stop searching… as there is always more to discover… and with it… more excitement… …an excitement that makes worldly attractions dull and with no appeal at all.

Last Updated: 24.07.2016


Before I start expressing my approach here, I want to point out something of paramount importance… and that is that the basis of one’s whole structure of thinking must be founded on one’s foundational truth… the Truth which directs one’s every move and expression in life… leaving no room for any fear whatsoever and in any circumstances. Where there is fear, there is no freedom. The Bible explicitly states that truth sets free. And what’s more… this Truth is indispensable for keeping the golden thread of congruent thinking and -reasoning intact right through from A to Z. In my case, this Truth is that everything is subject to the Sovereignty, hence the control, of the Living- and Loving God of the Bible… Elohim the Lord of Hosts. If one’s foundational truth is not based upon this Truth, then much sooner than later one’s thinking around certain aspects will not coincide with one’s thinking around other aspects… whatever they will be. These discrepancies will be both obvious to the discerning mind outside… and a suppressed frustration to oneself. And, what’s more… this being the very root of-… and breeding ground for stress… insecurity and fear. The ‘glue’ that holds one’s whole supportive thinking structure together, will be missing and one’s reasoning house of cards will collapse with the slightest breeze of confrontation (and challenge)… and with of course animosity as the outcome in most cases. Belief in self-imposed control always runs the risk of being refuted by reality… one’s biggest enemy in this case. On the other hand… when this Truth of belief in a Sovereign God will indeed be one’s basis, then one will have no problem whatsoever in making sense of the most difficult scenarios in life… and by and large… the Bible itself. To know one’s life is totally in the hands of a loving God, is to have peace, irrespective of the challenges at hand. The Bible does not make sense on multiple occasions for too many Christians… simply because the basis of their Christian doctrine is not founded on the Truth. And I do not hesitate to add here my own observation of obvious battles Bible commentators reveal in their commentaries around sticky Biblical verses… of which the grammar threatens their doctrine of an ‘eternal hell’. To me the Bible makes perfectly sense from Genesis to Revelation (mistranslations included)… only because the inseparable Absolute Sovereignty and -Love of God, together with the total subordination of man to God, is the point of departure for me in all. “Free will”… the basis of virtually all Christians’ thinking today… is refuting the inseparability of God’s Ultimate Supremacy and -Love in all… however much they would want to argue with me…let alone becoming highly irritated. This to me is not a matter of “if the shoe fits” here. No… it’s a matter of urgency and a matter of compassion from my side. Time is running out. This being just a ‘brief’ intro to the rest. This website is one of an informal nature, where I give myself the freedom to make amendments on any page where I regard it to be appropriate. Sometimes I will want to add something which I think is important. Just like most people, I often catch myself not having said something I should have. Then it’s ‘back to the drawing board’. And another thing… I’m doing my own editing here. As English is not my mother tongue, but Afrikaans, kindly oversee some grammatical and spelling errors that may occur. The subjects under scrutiny are all interlinked with each other. Hence, quite some overlapping will exist on the various “burning question” pages. Needless to say, I will most likely repeat myself frequently. Thanks for understanding. My approach is first and foremost to put the whole ball of discernment into the court of the reader. I am not a teacher, nor am I a counsellor. There is only One Teacher and Counsellor and He is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Who teaches and counsels through His Holy Spirit within His Word; this being the very reason why no contact details are reflected on my website. God has a unique purpose with each and every one born (and conceived as well) on this planet. Nobody can convince anybody of anything… it’s all up to our Heavenly Father. But… I have a mind and I have my views and it was these views of mine which brought me freedom. This is why I express them, albeit in no uncertain terms throughout the “Burning Questions” section of my website. Some of the questions will be around sensitive issues, but I will address them with utmost reverence. Seeing that this website will be of an organic nature, I will go along as my energy and time will permit. Following every question, I will give my personal answer to it, which I will subsequently back up with Biblical text… together with real life scenarios, where appropriate, and some reasoning woven into it. Since this website is one of good news, my responses to questions will each indeed carry good news… of which this world we live in is in desperate need. Nobody can run away from reality and the sooner one faces it and does some reality checks, the sooner one becomes free and life will have a lot more meaning again. It is amazing how scenarios, reflected within the Bible, can be extrapolated to the present time in which we find ourselves today. There is nothing new under the sun,as Ecclesiastes 1:9 clearly states in the New International Version… What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Reality is many times a painful affair. It cannot be argued against… expressed and unexpressed alike. Countless Christians are battling with burning questions, just like anybody else for that matter… Christians and non-Christians alike. And some of these questions are too embarrassing for most to reveal to others. There is truth… and there is Truth… the first one being relative and the second one being absolute. It is the latter which brings real freedom and real peace… not the former. However, the proof is in the proverbial pudding and it needs to be experienced on a personal level John 8:32 . We all are guilty of missing the mark on a continual basis, in whatever intensity or fashion. This is a given. The good news is that we can forgive ourselves on grounds of what Jesus Christ has done for ALL mankind at Golgotha… the “ALL” part being one of many controversial statements of mine that will raise some eyebrows I’m sure. I cannot emphasize enough how critically important introspection is… and of course the honesty that goes with it. Nobody finds this easy to do, but this is the ONLY way towards peace and freedom in this ailing world. To repeat myself… this website is not intended to convince anybody of anything. This is the Holy Spirit’s domain, not mine. All I’m doing here is sharing my views in a very direct fashion which reflects my ‘straight-to-the-point’ nature. My intention is only always coming from a heart of compassion, however provocative I may often come across… whether on this website, or anywhere else for that matter. It is the prerogative of the reader to either contemplate on my writings, or to simply discard them and promptly click on the “exit” button. To repeat myself… yet again… truth is many times a painful affair and also a scary challenge. And many of my views will be hard to digest to some; I have no reservations about that. Fact of the matter is… God insists in Proverbs 2:1-6 that we should never stop searching for the Truth, the Truth which can only come from God… within His Word. And as it is written in Romans 12:2 we should always strive to be transformed by Him through the renewing of our minds. Complacency is a dangerous place to be in Proverb s 1:32 .
4 and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, 5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. - Proverbs 2:4-5 (New International Version)
Read the Bible only WITH the Holy Spirit… to find the Absolute Truth… The Truth that lies latent within the pages… yearning to be disclosed by the Author Himself… to the searching heart… …and when the time is right… Its Light SO bright
May God bless you abundantly and may you never stop searching… as there is always more to discover… and with it… more excitement… …an excitement that makes worldly attractions dull and with no appeal at all.
Copyright © 2011-2024 Willien Strutz, All rights reserved. Webmaster: Hans-Joachim Strutz