Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - John 8:32 (New International Version)
My belief in its entirety is based upon what is written in God’s Holy Word and I will address each aspect of it as reflected below under my “Burning Questions”.
I believe that the Bible is totally inspired by God Himself . (2 Timothy 3:16) I believe that God is a God of love (1 John 4:8) …a love beyond the comprehension of man. I believe in the absolute Sovereignty of God Almighty (Psalms 115:3) and that He is in total control of ALL… leaving none to man whatsoever. I believe that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all ONE and the same Person (Matthew 28:19) and that Jesus Christ is the Living God (John 1:1) , incarnated in human form so that we can identify ourselves with our heavenly Father through Him, so that we can be reconciled with our heavenly Father through Him… and so that we can intimately know our heavenly Father through Him. I believe that Jesus Christ has died for all mankind (2 Corinthians 5:15) . I believe that we have NO free will (Philippians 2:13) , nor do we have any freedom of choice. I believe that nobody is accountable for anything… only God is accountable for all (Isaiah 45:7) in His incredible grace… grace which will come to its highest expression for all mankind at the consummation of the eons, as reflected in 1 Corinthians 10:11 and 1 Corinthians 15:28 . I believe that there is NO hell of eternal damnation and that in the “Lake of Fire and Brimstone” God will discipline and purify… as is reflected in Mark 9:49 . Please notice the everyone in this verse. Everyone is everyone and the spiritual purification of “fire, brimstone and salt” is not only restricted to the ”fiery lake” mentioned above. No, it applies to this life on earth… as in the case of Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:32 , to Hades… as in the case of the rich man in Luke 16:23-24 and to the Gehenna, as being the “lake of fire and brimstone” in Revelation 21:8 . In Mark 9:50 “peaceful relationships” is connected with “being salted”. God will make sure everyone will get along with everyone eventually… hence all of us will be salted with fire… so simple to understand… however much an extreme painful affair in whichever way. Please also see Colossians 4:6 . And to add… I believe that God Himself is the Lake of Fire and Brimstone . Please see Hebrews 12:29 . He baptises with the Holy Spirit AND with fire… as is reflected in Matthew 3:11 . Baptism at its core means “cleansing”… and cleansing with fire is a painful affair… a painful affair with the God of the Bible Himself. All people will eventually have a cleansing affair with Him… one way or another… and it is [and will be] no picnic. This affair is [and will be] a serious- and painful business (Hebrew 10:31) . God has business with ALL of us in our own order (1 Corinthians 15:22-23) as all will be in His Presence (verse 23, Strong’s #3952). Spiritual pain is far more painful than physical pain. Wherever this cleansing encounter with God is [will be] taking place [be it here on earth, in Hades, or in Gehenna]… fact remains, it is and will be temporary. Death, both the first- and second one, will be conquered (1 Corinthians 15:26) and joy will be the outcome for ALL mankind! Isaiah 25:6-9 . I believe ALL God created to be GOOD (Genesis 1:31) even Hades / Sheol, where people are fully compos mentis (Luke 16:23-24) ; this place of darkness being a disciplinary- and preparatory stage towards purity. I believe that God the ‘Potter’ made all mankind equally important the ‘pious’, as well as the ‘wicked’, for His holy purpose with all (Proverbs 16:4) ; the one being not more important than the other. He loves Hitler as much as He loves Mother Theresa… just to make my point here (Romans 9:21) . I believe in the importance of the Adversary, of evil and of suffering (Romans 5 : 3-5 ) , all three created by God for His good purpose for all (Romans 8:28) ... I believe that the Bible is mistranslated (Isaiah 6:10) on multiple occasions , hence misinterpreted, but that that is perfectly according to God’s Plan… just like everything else is according to His will. And the final GOOD NEWS FOR ALL? I believe that ALL mankind WILL be reconciled with God eventually… and be present at His glorious eternal Banquet! Hallelujah Praise His Holy Name!
Copyright © 2011-2024 Willien Strutz; All rights reserved.					Webmaster: Hans-Joachim Strutz
To ascertain whether one’s beliefs are justified, each one of these beliefs must give one total peace and confidence on all levels and in all situations. And if that is not the case with one of the beliefs, then a red light has gone up and the ‘drawing board of discernment’ is calling. If one has the Truth, then one’s boat cannot be rocked by anyone at all… ever.

Last Updated: 01.10.2016


Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - John 8:32 (New International Version)
My belief in its entirety is based upon what is written in God’s Holy Word and I will address each aspect of it as reflected below under my “Burning Questions”.
I believe that the Bible is totally inspired by God Himself . (2 Timothy 3:16) I believe that God is a God of love (1 John 4:8) …a love beyond the comprehension of man. I believe in the absolute Sovereignty of God Almighty (Psalms 115:3) and that He is in total control of ALL… leaving none to man whatsoever. I believe that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all ONE and the same Person (Matthew 28:19) and that Jesus Christ is the Living God (John 1:1) , incarnated in human form so that we can identify ourselves with our heavenly Father through Him, so that we can be reconciled with our heavenly Father through Him… and so that we can intimately know our heavenly Father through Him. I believe that Jesus Christ has died for all mankind (2 Corinthians 5:15) . I believe that we have NO free will (Philippians 2:13) , nor do we have any freedom of choice. I believe that nobody is accountable for anything… only God is accountable for all (Isaiah 45:7) in His incredible grace… grace which will come to its highest expression for all mankind at the consummation of the eons, as reflected in 1 Corinthians 10:11 and 1 Corinthians 15:28 . I believe that there is NO hell of eternal damnation and that in the “Lake of Fire and Brimstone” God will discipline and purify… as is reflected in Mark 9:49 . Please notice the everyone in this verse. Everyone is everyone and the spiritual purification of “fire, brimstone and salt” is not only restricted to the ”fiery lake” mentioned above. No, it applies to this life on earth… as in the case of Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:32 , to Hades… as in the case of the rich man in Luke 16:23-24 and to the Gehenna, as being the “lake of fire and brimstone” in Revelation 21:8 . In Mark 9:50 “peaceful relationships” is connected with “being salted”. God will make sure everyone will get along with everyone eventually… hence all of us will be salted with fire… so simple to understand… however much an extreme painful affair in whichever way. Please also see Colossians 4:6 . And to add… I believe that God Himself is the Lake of Fire and Brimstone . Please see Hebrews 12:29 . He baptises with the Holy Spirit AND with fire… as is reflected in Matthew 3:11 . Baptism at its core means “cleansing”… and cleansing with fire is a painful affair… a painful affair with the God of the Bible Himself. All people will eventually have a cleansing affair with Him… one way or another… and it is [and will be] no picnic. This affair is [and will be] a serious- and painful business (Hebrew 10:31) . God has business with ALL of us in our own order (1 Corinthians 15:22- 23) as all will be in His Presence (verse 23, Strong’s #3952). Spiritual pain is far more painful than physical pain. Wherever this cleansing encounter with God is [will be] taking place [be it here on earth, in Hades, or in Gehenna]… fact remains, it is and will be temporary. Death, both the first- and second one, will be conquered (1 Corinthians 15:26) and joy will be the outcome for ALL mankind! Isaiah 25:6-9 . I believe ALL God created to be GOOD (Genesis 1:31) even Hades / Sheol, where people are fully compos mentis (Luke 16:23-24) ; this place of darkness being a disciplinary- and preparatory stage towards purity. I believe that God the ‘Potter’ made all mankind equally important the ‘pious’, as well as the ‘wicked’, for His holy purpose with all (Proverbs 16:4) ; the one being not more important than the other. He loves Hitler as much as He loves Mother Theresa… just to make my point here (Romans 9:21) . I believe in the importance of the Adversary, of evil and of suffering (Romans 5 : 3-5 ) , all three created by God for His good purpose for all (Romans 8:28) ... I believe that the Bible is mistranslated (Isaiah 6:10) on multiple occasions , hence misinterpreted, but that that is perfectly according to God’s Plan… just like everything else is according to His will. And the final GOOD NEWS FOR ALL? I believe that ALL mankind WILL be reconciled with God eventually… and be present at His glorious eternal Banquet! Hallelujah Praise His Holy Name!
To ascertain whether one’s beliefs are justified, each one of these beliefs must give one total peace and confidence on all levels and in all situations. And if that is not the case with one of the beliefs, then a red light has gone up and the ‘drawing board of discernment’ is calling. If one has the Truth, then one’s boat cannot be rocked by anyone at all… ever.
Copyright © 2011-2024 Willien Strutz, All rights reserved. Webmaster: Hans-Joachim Strutz