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If God is a God of love, will He really send billions of people to a burning hell of eternal damnation?
Revelation 2:7 “He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is speaking to the assemblies, and I shall give to the victor to eat of the tree of life, which is in The Paradise of God.” - Aramaic Bible in Plain English Reality Back-up: This is the most burning question there is with regard to the God of Love virtually all Christians battle with… albeit privately. Because it simply doesn’t make sense, does it? A most bothersome question for many, irrespective of all the classic reasoning church leaders use… and colleges implement in their curricula over generations… to substantiate this outrageously false- and dangerous doctrine of a hell of eternal damnation. A doctrine they have ‘cast in stone’. And beware the one questioning them. But, just to put your attention to the “Gospel” of Jesus Christ… What does the word “Gospel” mean? It comes from the Greek word εὐαγγέλιον (evangelium)… meaning good news ”. Does threatening people with an eternal burning ‘hell’ of torture sound like good news? Of course not. It’s absurd to say the least. Let us move on to become aware of the lie that tries to conceal the real good news Jesus brought to ALL mankind… even to ALL the non-believers of today… What is the root of this destructive doctrine? It is the vital rebellion of the Adversary against the Almighty God’s Sovereign Power right at the beginning… and subsequently his ultimate role of deception… of enticing mankind into rebellion against God’s Authority as well. And where did he start his expedition of destruction? Right in the Garden of Eden, luring the first two human inhabitants into this very rebellion, of which he was made the prime instrument… by none other than God Himself. Kindly refer Isaiah 45:7 . And what is Satan’s modus operandi ever since Eden? Firstly he deceives all mankind (including Christians) into believing in “free will” and “freedom of choice”… his main objective to keep man in the belief of being in control of his/her own fate… the exact tactic Satan used to lure the first two inhabitants away from God. Having ‘free will’ and ‘freedom of choice’ gives man the satisfaction of being part of his/her own salvation… degrading Christ’s Blood from limitless Atonement to a state of limited atonement. Having this egotistical contrivance perfectly in place, he delights in keeping mankind constantly engaged in the blame game…and as a result… at war with the single and composite alike… be it in a silent- or graphical fashion. Fact remains, he keeps mankind blinded with ‘peripheral [spiritual] vision loss’… letting them only see the ‘obvious’ and act upon it… God nowhere to be found in this optical illusion. Because God is not the point of focus… but destructive man. Christians over generations are indoctrinated with the fallacy that God gave them their ‘so-called’ choice to choose Jesus Christ as Saviour. And this immediately and logically implies that the Blood of Christ has no impact unless they choose to accept it… disregarding His grace which is for free and a given… irrespective of their choice. What they do not know, however, is the grave consequences this attitude has… and the dear price involved. Hebrews 10:28-29 explains more. So how then did he manage to deceive billions of Christians? By using the Bible itself… by deceiving many of its translators. And please… to refresh your memory… my whole point of departure always, is that man is not accountable, but God. And this, by the way, is exactly where freedom and safety lie… of which virtually the whole world (including Christians) is oblivious of. The Bible pertinently states in Ephesians 6:12 that we are not dealing with people at all in our struggles here on earth… but with the dark forces. No use pointing fingers at our non-believing fellow man. God is behind all… His Godly Mind at work in everything and always for the good. I will repeat this over and over again. To ask why God does this is another subject for later. Bible translators are not responsible for any mistranslations… God is… through the Adversary. In Isaiah 6:10 God was the One giving the order of dulling their eyes and ears and hardening their minds. He had a plan with that… like He has a plan with everything He does. Jesus explicitly said in Matthew 10:34 that He did not come to bring peace… but the sword. Why? Because it was part of His Plan. Three of the main terms of deception are the misinterpreted “hell” , “everlasting” and “forever and ever”…three terms that steered the direction of Christianity towards the false doctrine of an everlasting “hell” of condemnation, condemning two thirds of the world population at any given time to an everlasting “hell” of utmost torture. That leaves us to one third being “everlasting-hell-believing” Christians, currently adding up to about 2.2 billion according to statistics… making it billions upon billions of Christians over generations. Does that sound like the narrow road leading to the Kingdom of God? By no means it does. Please read Matthew 7:1 3-14 . See… there is a traditional Christianity of bondage… and there is an original Christianity of freedom. The latter one reflects unfake love, inner peace and the absence of fear. The former one reflects the opposite… fear being the driving force… with reality being its whistle blower. Fear shows and has many faces… of which reticence and compromise are only two. A classic argumentative response in general would be that one must always see everything in the Bible within context… the cop-out ‘buzz word’ translators and scholars usually use to substantiate their views. The Bible is not a text book… nor is it a history book. The Bible is a Living Word of God , meant to be a guideline to any reader in present time… using historical real-life scenarios on multiple occasions for application in whichever time the reader reads them… catering for his/her specific needs. The Bible is the most practical Book ever written in all history… inspired by the Holy Author Himself. To this day God closes eyes and minds. There is nothing ever new. Ecclesiastes 1:9 . What was relevant millennia ago is still relevant today… God still being the same… and likewise… man still being the same. How the reader reads the Bible depends upon his/her agenda. There are two agendas; the one that is simply looking for the Truth per se… and the other one that searches for the confirmation of one’s already-made conviction. It’s either a conviction for an eternal hell of damnation… or it is one against this atrocious fallacy. These two convictions are the ones determining one’s state of peace… the freedom the Bible talks about. But, there is a way of finding out if one’s conviction holds water. Reality. Reality has the uncanny way of disclosing insecurity. And in most of times together with embarrassment… hidden within retaliation and lofty haughtiness. This agenda topic is so vast and I will elaborate more on it on the “Christian Change of Demeanour” burning question page on a later stage. Since God’s Will will be done… and since His goal outweighs His means… deception is His chosen instrument making the world aware of His Ultimate Supremacy… slowly but surely. In Isaiah 46:10 God clearly describes His Supremacy in all. And this “all” in His Authority is so all-encompassing… staggering and ‘scary’ to say the least. The “free will” and “free choice” are two fallacies still kicking and very much alive to this day… securing pain and suffering throughout the globe. Two common beliefs spanning over myriads of religions and paradigms… with traditional Christianity being no exception… putting it on par with all others… well… as far as lack of truth is concerned. And just to add… Are any of all these religions offering any joy, let alone peace… taking into account the status of disharmony worldwide? The answer is of course “no”. And why? Because none of them are based upon the Truth. All of them show neither freedom, nor humility… especially when confronted. All religions (the New Age movement included) revolve around man and his/her ego… around the ‘mighty freedom of choice and self-power’. Where the lie resides, the Spirit of Christ is absent… and it shows. Only within the true Christ true- and lasting joy is possible… a joy independent from any circumstance… any person. Joy outside of the true Christ is by duration temporary… and by nature dependant. The world is hooked on feeling joy… excitement being the bait… running from one adrenalin surge to the other. How many people today are aware of the devastation of co-dependency… a pandemic beyond measure? No difference between social media lures and mega churches at all. Addiction is addiction… or… idolatry is idolatry. Has any addiction ever given true and lasting joy. No… its joy wears off quickly… making way for misery and discontent. Reality is man’s worst enemy… because it shows. It instantly reveals the lack of freedom. And to put the focus upon ‘eternal-hell-believing’ Christians… no difference. Acting piously, while trying to cover up inner turmoil, runs the risk to miserably fail when confronted and put to the test. And the only way to eliminate this fake behaviour? Knowledge of the Truth around the death of Christ at Golgotha. It’s what written in Proverbs 2:1-6 that will lead to freedom. Pretence only gives rise to inner stress… and inner stress to illness. Christians who believe that they must first choose Jesus in this life, before they can be saved put a lot of strain upon themselves… because they have to act according to their belief… have to show inner peace… ”come hell or high water”. True peace amidst our shortfalls and weaknesses is only possible being within the real Jesus Christ. The proof is in the pudding. The ruler of this world ( John 14:30 ) is feasting on the main fruit from the breeding ground of “free will”… the fruit called FEAR… the fear of going to an everlasting “burning hell” when not choosing Jesus in this life. Where there is fear there is no love… and vice versa. Determining one’s own salvation by means of one’s own choice… disowning the self of grace and instead… embracing the curse of the law. Galatians 3:10 . Since we live in the end times, it is clear that the Adversary has nearly fulfilled his mission… deceiving the whole world as is stipulated in Revelation 12:9 . But take heart… it’s not man behind anything at all… neither is it Satan. The Adversary is just an instrument of God… like everything else for that matter. The Controller is our Heavenly Father who loves all of us with a Divine Love… with His loving, but corrective hand of discipline. He is constantly at work with each and everyone of us… whether in this life, whether in Hades, or whether in Gehenna… right until the end of this dispensation. Then He will reach His ultimate goal for mankind… having made all pure and holy ( Mark 9:49 ) and having become All in all, as is written in 1   Corinthians 15:28 . And all will be holy and worthy of His Kingdom… everyone who belongs to Him in his/her own order, as is reflected in 1 Corinthians 15:23 . And who belongs to God in this previous verse? Let us see what the Bible says… Deuteronomy 10:14 Psalms 89:11 Psalms 24:1 1 Corinthians 10:26 All mankind will be given salvation… each in God’s own order. This is supposed to be GOOD news to all Christians, not so? But is it? I’m afraid no… if we take into consideration the general attitude of (‘eternal-hell-believing’) Christians around the globe re the ‘unbelievers’… the ‘outcasts’… and those in the ‘spiritual- and social dog boxes’. Is it good news for them that God loves the ‘others’ just as much as He loves them? No. Expressions of condemning others to an eternal hell are running rampant… especially when hurt by those. What goes on in the heart shows. Man by nature has all sorts of drawbacks… like jealousy, envy, hatred, anger, resentment, “Schadenfreude”… to name but a few. Believing the Bible is believing in the three O’s of God… His Omnipotence, Omnipresence and Omniscience… not so? It also just goes without saying that God created all. All is all. Emotions? Yes, of course. It’s just so logic. And to stretch it even further… love? Does this creation of God not then also include love and compassion… all the good feelings as well? Of course. So how on earth can we then point fingers to those who did not receive a lot of love in their hearts? And piety… is that also included? We can go on and on. Just read the book Job. Job was a pious-, obedient- and good man. But was he humble? No, not really, because in his opinion he did not deserve his suffering. His obedience was supposed to earn him blessings. But God clearly pointed it out to him that it was pure grace that he was full of goodness… that he was obedient. He did not deserve anything. Then Job’s circumstances changed for the better the moment he acknowledged God Sovereignty and total control. What a lovely book… the book of Job. God’s message in Job is all about humbleness and submission… and the reward afterwards. Submission to God’s total Authority is the key to ultimate joy. Man is powerless against emotions and everybody knows that. No use accusing others. We all err some way or another… hurting others through our own hurts is just one example. The only One who can take away these hurts, is the One who gave them to us in the first place. Acknowledging God’s Sovereignty comes to our rescue every time. His Sovereignty is the answer to ALL the problems in the world, but who knows that? Far and few between. God’s total supremacy refutes the “free will” of man… giving him/her no control whatsoever. For the power hunger this truth is unacceptable. But for the wise, this is the most liberating Truth there is. His total control in our lives, is the key to our total freedom. It is the guarantee to make forgiving easy… and as a result… the dissolution of all heavy burdens. This knowing keeps the pointed finger down and resentment at bay. Had the world but known this, then there would have been no wars at all… and a much better place to live in. See, truth is ALL about practicality in life… and of course the application of it. Practicality makes life so much easier. No wonder God says in His Word that the Truth sets free. Sadly, the ego does not accept God’s Sovereignty, because the incompatibility between man’s ego and God’s supremacy is insurmountable. With the ego around, logic is nowhere to be found. ‘Eternal-hell-believing’ Christians proclaim they believe in God’s Sovereignty, but it is not the case at all. To cling onto free will and freedom of choice is simply claiming control. It’s just ridiculous to reconcile the one with the other. By just contemplating on the 48 Scriptures mentioned above, it is crystal clear that we are dealing here with a loving God… who will not let ANY of His beloved children perish (irrespective of their current beliefs and backgrounds)… but have eternal life with Him… and eternal bliss. Isaiah 25:6-9 And made hath Jehovah of Hosts, For all the peoples in this mount, A banquet of fat things, a banquet of preserved things, Fat things full of marrow, preserved things refined. And swallowed up hath He in this mountain The face of the wrapping that is wrapped over all the peoples, And of the covering that is spread over all the nations. He hath swallowed up death in victory, And wiped hath the Lord Jehovah, The tear from off all faces, And the reproach of His people He turneth aside from off all the earth, For Jehovah hath spoken.And one hath said in that day, 'Lo, this is our God, We waited for Him, and He saveth us, This is Jehovah, we have waited for Him, We joy and rejoice in His salvation.'” - Young’s Literal Translation Hallelujah! Praise His Holy Name. AMEN God bless you…whoever you are!
My Answer: No, of course not… not even one!
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Last Updated: 21.04.2018



If God is a God of love, will He really send billions of people to a burning hell of eternal damnation?
My Answer: No, of course not… not even one!
Revelation 2:7 “He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is speaking to the assemblies, and I shall give to the victor to eat of the tree of life, which is in The Paradise of God.” - Aramaic Bible in Plain English Reality Back-up: This is the most burning question there is with regard to the God of Love virtually all Christians battle with… albeit privately. Because it simply doesn’t make sense, does it? A most bothersome question for many, irrespective of all the classic reasoning church leaders use… and colleges implement in their curricula over generations… to substantiate this outrageously false- and dangerous doctrine of a hell of eternal damnation. A doctrine they have ‘cast in stone’. And beware the one questioning them. But, just to put your attention to the “Gospel” of Jesus Christ… What does the word “Gospel” mean? It comes from the Greek word εὐαγγέλιον (evangelium)… meaning good news ”. Does threatening people with an eternal burning ‘hell’ of torture sound like good news? Of course not. It’s absurd to say the least. Let us move on to become aware of the lie that tries to conceal the real good news Jesus brought to ALL mankind… even to ALL the non-believers of today… What is the root of this destructive doctrine? It is the vital rebellion of the Adversary against the Almighty God’s Sovereign Power right at the beginning… and subsequently his ultimate role of deception… of enticing mankind into rebellion against God’s Authority as well. And where did he start his expedition of destruction? Right in the Garden of Eden, luring the first two human inhabitants into this very rebellion, of which he was made the prime instrument… by none other than God Himself. Kindly refer Isaiah 45:7 . And what is Satan’s modus operandi ever since Eden? Firstly he deceives all mankind (including Christians) into believing in “free will” and “freedom of choice”… his main objective to keep man in the belief of being in control of his/her own fate… the exact tactic Satan used to lure the first two inhabitants away from God. Having ‘free will’ and ‘freedom of choice’ gives man the satisfaction of being part of his/her own salvation… degrading Christ’s Blood from limitless Atonement to a state of limited atonement. Having this egotistical contrivance perfectly in place, he delights in keeping mankind constantly engaged in the blame game…and as a result… at war with the single and composite alike… be it in a silent- or graphical fashion. Fact remains, he keeps mankind blinded with ‘peripheral [spiritual] vision loss’… letting them only see the ‘obvious’ and act upon it… God nowhere to be found in this optical illusion. Because God is not the point of focus… but destructive man. Christians over generations are indoctrinated with the fallacy that God gave them their ‘so-called’ choice to choose Jesus Christ as Saviour. And this immediately and logically implies that the Blood of Christ has no impact unless they choose to accept it… disregarding His grace which is for free and a given… irrespective of their choice. What they do not know, however, is the grave consequences this attitude has… and the dear price involved. Hebrews 10:28-29 explains more. So how then did he manage to deceive billions of Christians? By using the Bible itself… by deceiving many of its translators. And please… to refresh your memory… my whole point of departure always, is that man is not accountable, but God. And this, by the way, is exactly where freedom and safety lie… of which virtually the whole world (including Christians) is oblivious of. The Bible pertinently states in Ephesians 6:12 that we are not dealing with people at all in our struggles here on earth… but with the dark forces. No use pointing fingers at our non-believing fellow man. God is behind all… His Godly Mind at work in everything and always for the good. I will repeat this over and over again. To ask why God does this